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TERMINAL EXPANSION PROJECT ADVISORY #1: Ground Transportation Location Changes

The Lee County Port Authority has started work on the terminal roadway improvements that are part of the Terminal Expansion Project Phase 2 at Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW). Travelers will notice construction fencing on the lower level roadways and there will be changes to the location of ground transportation options starting Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025.

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RSW TERMINAL EXPANSION PROJECT ADVISORY #2: Crosswalk Closures Between Terminal Building and Parking Garage

Starting Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, the ONLY crosswalks for passengers, visitors and employees to transit from the terminal building to the Short-term Parking Garage, Car Rental Facility and all ground transportation options, including shuttles to the Long-term Parking Lot, On-demand taxis and LeeTran buses will be Crosswalk 5 on the upper level and Crosswalks 1 and 5 on the lower level.

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Lee County Port Authority

The Lee County Port Authority was first established by Special Act of the Florida Legislature on May 10, 1963.

As a part of Chapter 63-1541, Laws of Florida. The Special Act became effective on Nov. 6, 1963 upon ratification by the electors of Lee County at a special election held for that purpose.

On Aug. 11, 1987, the Lee Board of County Commissioners implemented the provisions of Chapter 63-1541 by adopting Lee County Resolution No. 87-8-9, creating the Lee County Port Authority as a body corporate to operate the two County airports, Page Field and Southwest Florida International Airport (then known as Southwest Florida Regional Airport). The Resolution was subsequently adopted as an ordinance, to be known as the Lee County Port Authority Ordinance, Lee County Ordinance No. 90-02, later repealed and replaced by Lee County Ordinance No. 01-14.

The Lee County Port Authority operates as a dependent special district of Lee County, Florida under the authority of Chapter 63-1541, Laws of Florida, Lee County Ordinance No. 01-14 and Chapters 125 and 332, Florida Statutes.

About LCPA

The purpose of the Lee County Port Authority is to manage and operate the Lee County public use airports, Page Field and Southwest Florida International Airport, and exercise the rights, duties and authority outlined in Chapter 63-1541, Laws of Florida, Lee County Ordinance No. 01-14 and Chapter 332, Florida Statutes.


The Lee County Port Authority exercises authority over the areas whose boundaries coincide with the boundaries of Page Field and Southwest Florida International Airport. The Port Authority also exercises jurisdiction over various Airport Mitigation Lands in Lee County (map available upon request).

Services Provided

The Port Authority is authorized to construct, improve, finance, operate and maintain airport facilities to provide commercial air transportation, general aviation and related services for Lee County and the surrounding area.

Establishing Entities

Florida Legislature and Lee County, Florida.


The Lee County Port Authority has adopted a Code of Ethics as Part 104 of the Lee County Port Authority Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.  Other generally applicable ethics provisions also apply, see (select Ethics Laws).

The Lee County Port Authority is governed by the Lee Board of County Commissioners, sitting as the Board of Port Commissioners.

The term of each Port Commissioner coincides with their regular term of office as a County Commissioner. Each Port Commissioner appoints an individual from the business community to be a member of the Airports Special Management Committee, which advises the Board of Port Commissioners on all issues and matters relating to the Lee County Airports (Southwest Florida International Airport and Page Field). The Airports Special Management Committee also has a regional member from Charlotte County and one from Collier County.

Meet the Board

Public Records Request

It is the policy of this agency to provide accurate and timely responses to public records requests in accordance with Section 119.12 Florida Statutes. Public records requests for the Lee County Port Authority should be directed to:

Lee County Port Authority Custodian of Public Records
Victoria B. Moreland
11000 Terminal Access Road, Suite 8671
Fort Myers, FL 33913-8213

Phone: 239-590-4504
Fax: 239-590-4539

Leadership and Board Meetings

Located in Fort Myers, Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) served more than 11 million passengers in 2024 and is one of the top 50 U.S. airports for passenger traffic.

11000 Terminal Access Road

Fort Myers , FL 33913-8213

Open Directions in Google Maps
